Joris Laarman Lab: Bone Chair, Bits & Parts and More
From 22nd November 2015 until 10th April 2016, Joris Laarman’s first major solo exhibition will be on show at The Groninger Museum.
Positioned at the interface between design and art, Laarman is a pioneer in new digital design techniques and 3d printing production and occupies a prominent place in the digital avant-garde.
Some of his well known works on display at the Groninger Museum in the Bone Chair, an organically shaped chair generated from computer algorithms that stimulate optimal bone growth (i.e. thicker where necessary and thinner were the is less load to bear, without a loss of strength). Both the MOMA in New York and the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam have bought a copyof the Bone Chair.
Also on show is the 3d printed series Bits & Parts, which aims to utilize small 3d printers and CNC milling machines to print affordable furniture for all as part of a digital fabrication revolution.
In 20004, Laarma and his partner Anita Star founded Joris Laarman Lab. Here, a multi-disciplinary team explores the prospects of design through research, experimentation and groundbreaking technology. One example is downloadable puzzle furniture, which consumers can 3d printed at home. Another example is the advanced robotic 3D-printing technology MX3D, which is currently being used to 3D print a metal bridge spanning one of Amsterdam’s canals.
This exhibition is organized by curator of contemporary art, design and fashion Sue-an van der Zijpp and chief curator Mark Wilson. After showing in Groningen, the exhibition will move on to an international tour including Paris and New York.
The exhibition also coincides the publication of a retrospective book about the Joris Laarman Lab.
Source and photos from Joris Laarman Lab.