De-dimension: 2D to 3D and back again!
De-dimension is a collection of benches and stools by Eindhoven-based designer Jongha Choi that fascinatingly transform from flat, two-dimensional objections into a fully functional three dimensional objects. Two dimensional pieces of wall art can be taken from the wall and transformed into a functional piece of furniture.When you want to put the furniture away, it is simply folded back into its 2D form.
According to Choi, the project questions the history of images and how this has been aligned with the history of the human race, the later one being understood and depicted in various forms.
Today, thanks to advancing technology and in particular the emergence of 3d printing, images are developing in different way and forms. In Choi’s words, she is asking through this project, ‘in light of modern changes and experience in the image, in relation to advertising, image circulation and the internet, why we do not question more the confinement of an image to a flat surface? Why are we not more stereoscopic in the way we relate the image?’
You can watch De-dimension transform from 2D to 3D and back again here.