
Test your materials knowledge in the Materia Quiz at Material Xperience

Here at Materia we love new and innovative materials, as you may have guessed. No doubt you do the same. But have you ever wanted to test your knowledge? At Material Xperience, held from 6 to 10 February in Jaarbeurs Utrecht (NL), there is an interactive Materia Quiz every day at 1.30 p.m., in which a panel of material experts are asked questions, and you can join in (in Dutch only)!

The Materia Quiz is the first quiz in which material groups are examined scrupulously. You can test and brush up on your knowledge about innovation, the sustainability of the materials, and much more. The quizmasters are Els Zijlstra and Atto Harsta. Via an app you can play along with the panel of specialists.

How can you make concrete more sustainable? Can you 3D print a house from plastic? How high can you build a wooden building? Can you 3D print bamboo? How interactive can glass be? Which architect built the first house of composites? These and many more “facts & fun” questions will be asked daily at Material Xperience!

Each day at Material Xperience and at the Materia Quiz has a material theme. Day one, Monday 6 February, is all about composites and natural stone, while Tuesday 7 February focuses on concrete and metal. On 8 February, you will learn all about glass and ceramics, and 9 February is about wood and plastic. On the last day of Material Xperience, 10 February, naturals and coatings will be in the limelight.

For more information about the Materia Quiz and who is on the panel on which day, please visit For the entire programme and free tickets, click here.
