
A pavilion made of metal grid and various material layers

As part of Bruges Triennial, Rotterdam-based Studio Ossidiana designed a pavilion consisting of a cylindrical metal grid, filled with various materials, including earth, peat and shells, to create substrata, as seen in archaeological surveys.

Called Earthsea Pavilion, the structure was inspired by Bruges’ history and its link to the sea. The silo is 6 metre wide and consists of a metal grid. This grid is filled with layers of earth, peat, shells and leaves, with seeds mixed in, which will grow and transform the structure. The layers resemble the substrata at an archaeological survey.

According to the studio, “Earthsea Pavilion is a living organism, a contemporary chimera made of minerals, plants, animals, organic matter, fungi and bacteria, collectively composing a new soil. It is both a garden and a building”.

The pavilion is located in the courtyard of the 15th-century city palace, Hof Bladelin. Bruges Triennial runs from 13 April to 1 September 2024.

Photos: Bruges Triennial


  1. Claudio Feldman says:

    i was there,last months visiting these exhibition.
    ( Triennal architectuur Brugge)
    That was an interesting design.
    i need to return to visit again and see if the plants are growing really.