FORMCard Offers a DIY Dream
FORMcard is a pocked sized card of meltable bioplastic that you can simply drop into a cup of hot water to start forming solutions to your everyday design problems. According to its makers, it is fabricated from a starch based bioplastic that is totally non-toxic. The makers explain that they have worked closely with both the chemical company, the moulders and even the colorant suppliers to ensure this is the case, even to go as far as rejecting the use of universal pigments which contain styrenes in favour of powder pigments.
When heated, this product is malleable but becomes a strong, solid and durable nylon material when cooled. When reheated, it at once again becomes malleable and adaptable to change and reuse.
Because it is so hot and sticky when heated, this material can be taken straight out of a cup of hot water and used to fix other plastics including broken plastic toys, tools, or anything that normally gets thrown away that they will stick to. This might be something small like a favourite plastic shovel while on holiday, or saving something larger like a cracked fridge drawer.
FORMcard comes in a very convenient card size so you can keep these picked sized material in your wallet, kitchen drawer or tool box, convenient to pull out whenever required.
In terms of design, the material is currently available in 20 different colours and will soon also be released in crazy mutant mixed colours for people into zombie apocalype…as well as black, white and grey for every day situations.