How to build circularly
The exhibition The Exploded View in Design Museum Gent, Belgium, consists of a research installation of a deconstructed house, showing ways to build circularly.
The norm in construction becomes more and more to design demountable and circularly, but how do you do that? The Exploded View, first presented during Dutch Design Week 2020, aims to inspire people with the existing and future possibilities of sustainable building and living.
The installation was developed by Biobased Creations in collaboration with a group of pioneers in circular and biobased construction, The Embassy of Circular & Biobased Building, and based on intensive research into climate- and people-friendly solutions for construction.
The installation incorporates applications and materials that currently exist, are in development or might exist one day. It refers to the endless potential material flows that are in stock and are not or hardly being used in the world of construction.
The Exploded View can be visited free of charge in Design Museum Gent until 22 June.
Photos: Design Museum Gent