
New knitted materials

Material innovation is all about addressing a physical problem from a new angle. In this case, the problem is how to give novelty to knitting. These fabrics demonstrate the wide range of techniques that can be used to give knitted textiles an original look and feel.

Their designer, Moriel Dezaldeti, has created some knitted fabrics that are unlike the knitting you know. She is a graduate of the Textile Design Department at the Shenkar College of Engineering and Design. During her studies, Moriel found refuge in knitting.

The creation of the textile material from the fiber level is her main pursuit and in the process her color choices and shape choices are purely intuitive design decisions. As modernist architects were wont to do, Moriel explores the material, ´listening´ to it and letting it be what it is. In this way, the textiles really come to life.

The results are visible in the weave and weft of the fabric, and the way that shading, yarn thickness and layering add complex patterns to the textile. They also bridge the divide between the two and three dimensional world.

She considers the practice of knitting to be an intimate and meditative act which provided her a quiet place and a form of expression. So knitting is the way the designer expresses her vision to the world. She works with a manual knitting machine. Knitting, weaving and threading combine to shape the otherworldly materials which resemble body parts, expressionist paintings and architectural decoration in one.

Her works originate from the material world. The designer examines natural body movement and compares this to the way that textile behaves. Helped along by a generous helping of curiosity, images are produced of the inward body through her discovery of the human body.


Images and info via the designer.


  1. […] מוריאל דז'לדטי כתבו בבלוגים בינלאומיים לעיצוב, אבל גם בספריית החומרים ההולנדית ציינו אותן כחומר חדשני, מעניין ורב-הבעה, וב-Trend Tablet, […]