Sebastian Erras Captures the Beauty of Parisian Floors
In every day life, we often forget about the material beauty and art that surrounds us. Photographer Sebastian Erras however has won acclaim and a wide following for documenting the beauty of the world beneath our feet with his recent project ‘Parisian Floors.’ This project captures the striking beauty of floor designs discovered while walking about the city of Paris.
According to Erras, the idea for the Parisian Floors series came to him during a trip to Marrakech earlier this year where he was photographing interiors. On his day off, he toured the city and the Bahai Palace, where he was struck by the beautiful and colourful mosaic floor. He began taking pictures of the floor and his feet.
Upon return to Paris, Erras began to notice different tiles and mosaic floors all over the city – in bistros, cafés, hallways, galleries and some other public buildings. He began taking pictures of these fabulous tiles and included his feet to give the photos more of a human touch and also to show that these are really floors and not some wall tiles.
Sebastian Erras is a freelance photography who specializes in Interior photography. He has a passion and sharp eye for symmetry, design and decoration, with the Parisian Floors project being an inspiring example. More his inspiring works can be found here.