
Transformative Paper by Florian Hundt

The anisotropic material properties of moisture expansion in industrially 
produced paper and natural wood are similar and mostly tried to 
be avoided. Combined with other materials though, the expansion of the paper reveals interesting effects, which can be used in rather atypical contexts.

This materiality is explored in this project called ‘Transformative Paper’ by Florian Hundt. Transformative Paper is a layered structure, which reacts to short-term 
environmental conditions, morphing into various states. Thoroughly dry, it creates a tactile and exciting surface by raising the seperate 
segments. Exposed to minimal change of humidity it creates a gesture so subtle it is almost invisible, while it performs a vast transformation when it gets wet. Under the influence of rain, the layers shape a closed surface and respond by glowing gently.

Project Credits:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Holzbach, IMD
Prof. Georg-Christof Bertsch, Intercultural Design
Dipl.-Des. Steffen Reiter, IMD
Dipl.-Des. Friedrich Söllner, IMD

In cooperation with:
