Forbo Flooring
Request Information
Forbo Flooring Systems is a global player in high-quality commercial and residential floor coverings with more than 150 years of experience. We focus on environmentally friendly, functional and design-oriented floors. We believe in creating better environments. From how they’re made to how they perform, we make outstanding floors that are truly sustainable. That’s because our floors are good for people, good for buildings and good for the environment. So, from the building they’re in to the world outside, we’re helping our customers work, live and relax in better environments.
A Forbo floor is always beautiful and stylish to look at. A floor that’s comfortable to live, work and play on. But looks aren’t everything; often, it’s the things you can’t see that really matter.
We believe true sustainability is about creating links of shared responsibilities and values between all stakeholders. From how we run our factories to how we choose our ingredients, the way we make our floors is a big part of how we meet our mission to create better environments.
We use Life Cycle Assessment, an open and transparent methodology, to measure our products’ complete environmental performance. We’re committed to Green Design principles: to increasing efficiency, reducing the use of virgin raw materials and always searching for the most environmentally appropriate solution. We reduce, reuse, recycle and renew.
For example, we collect installation off-cuts and help repurpose end-of-life waste into new products.
We make our flooring in clean, efficient factories, powered by 100% renewable electricity. And we make sure they’re close to our designers in Europe – so that those who make and those who create can work side by side.
We include the whole life of a floor when we think about its sustainability performance. Which means we make sure our floors start performing from the moment they’re fitted.
We understand that floors have different roles to play within a building. Because we make a wide range of flooring, we’ll start by recommending the best floor for the job, and then always make sure it’s as sustainable as possible.We’re always finding ways to provide our customers with the lowest cost of ownership for our floors. They’re always easy to install and require less maintenance, using less cleaning chemicals, throughout their life. Which, by the way, will be a long and happy one, saving money and reducing waste. Forbo Flooring, creating better environments.

Contact Details
Industrieweg 12 |
1566 JP, Assendelft |
Netherlands |
Phone: +31 75 6477880 | | |