
Embroidered Wool


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- story by MaterialDistrict

These embroidered carpet tiles of wool are an unusual but beautiful application of embroidery. The backing of the tiles are magnetic and can be attached to every background with magnetic paint, and can therefore easily be changed in every desired pattern.

Embroidery is an artistic technique with a history of five thousand years. Here, the wool studio mechanically applies embroidery to undyed wool from three millimeters. The embroidery is punched into a hexagon shape. Variations in the hexagon shapes arise, resulting in often surprising forms.

With regard to the colour scheme, there is a choice of ten woolfelt colours and two hundred embroidery floss colours. Wool felt is colourfast and by a natural layer of fat dirt repellant.

The wool studio works with 99 colours wool, 36 viscose colours and 10 colours woolfelt . Depending on the design and the technique, it is possible to combine these colors and materials.

Material Properties