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- story by MaterialDistrict

This acoustic felt material is available in almost every colour. It is a PET fibre composite, as well as a hard non-woven. Because it can be equipped with a wide range of additional properties, water and oil repellent or antibacterial for instance, it is highly versatile in its application.

In terms of acoustics, noise penetrates the Lanisor surface and diffuses in the material. As a result of the friction on the fibre surfaces, the kinetic energy of the noise is dissipated as heat energy. The highly-compressed fibres support this effect much more than conventional materials. Lanisor can be used to absorb sound as well as enhance acoustics in all interior areas.

Lanisor also features different thicknesses, including thin dimensions, as well as different degrees of hardness and a dust-free processing. Pliable and dimensionally stable, it is also lightweight.

This material is available in individual sizes up to 3050 x 2050 x 10 mm.

Material Properties