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Light Emitting Film


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- story by MaterialDistrict

Light Emitting Film – based on Electro Luminescent effect (EL), at clear increased performance. It is the only flat light source, which produces really bright light. There is no diffuser required, since the light sheet shows perfect uniformity. It can be combined easily with backlit film / colour slide. Available in small or large size, up to A0, special shape, endless banner.

Flat, bended, cylindrical and little bended make 3D applications possible. Animation by control of segments, brightness can be controlled from 0 … 100%

Cold surface due to efficient light generation process, no UV light. It can be mounted quickly. Low weight, no glass parts, no breakable parts.

New technology: white light can reproduce all colours by using ink jet film.You can walk on it by using Floor Windo (TM) system

Material Properties