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Liquidmetal® alloys have an “amorphous” atomic structure, which is unprecedented for structural metals and secondly they include a multi-component chemical composition, which can be optimized for various properties and processes. Finally, they lend themselves to process technology similar to that possessed by plastics.

The technology of Liquidmetal alloys provides for the optimization of properties for specific applications by tailoring the combination of process, chemistry and atomic structure. The technology of Liquidmetal alloys is proprietary and covered by numerous existing or pending patents.

The atomic structure is the most striking characteristic of the Liquidmetal alloys as it fundamentally differentiates Liquidmetal alloys from ordinary metals.
The atomic structure of ordinary or conventional metals and alloys is periodic, where the layout of atomic elements shows repeating patterns over an extended range. This atomic structure is called “crystalline” and limits the overall performance of conventional metals.
Liquidmetal alloys possess an “amorphous” atomic structure, which is truly unique. By contrast to the crystalline structure, no discernable patterns exist in the atomic structure of the unique Liquidmetal alloys. As such, properties superior to the limits of conventional metals can be achieved.
This amorphous atomic structure leads to a unique set of characteristic properties for the family of Liquidmetal alloys. These characteristic properties are:
High Yield Strength
High Hardness
Superior Strength/Weight Ratio
Superior Elastic Limit
High Corrosion Resistance
High Wear-Resistance
Unique Acoustical Properties
One of the direct results of the unique atomic structure of Liquidmetal alloys is very high yield strength, which approaches the theoretical limit and far exceeds the strength currently available in crystalline metals and alloys.
For example, yield strength of over 250 ksi has been achieved in Zr-base and Ti-base Liquidmetal alloys (VIT-001 series). This is more than twice the strength of conventional titanium alloys.
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Material Properties