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Natural masterbatches on biodegradable matrices are notably absent in the plastic injection market. Therefore, these new plastic colorants based on biodegradable polymers with almond shell are targeted to the toy and auxiliary furniture industries and are able to be transferred to other industries of the plastic injection world.

A masterbatch consists of a polymeric matrix in which a high proportion (50 – 80 %) of pigments, dyes, dispersing waxes and other additives and fillers are included. The masterbatch, in form of pellets or granules, is added to the polymer, also in pellets, during the transformation process (injection moulding, extrusion…) by an average of 3 % by weight. This entails near 360 000 tonnes of annual consumption of masterbatches within Europe.

As there are no masterbatches in the market either based on biodegradable plastics or with natural components, and their introduction in the market is very poor in sectors different from the packaging sector, the introduction of biodegradable plastics in traditional industries, such as the toy or the furniture sectors, will bring a distinguishing factor according to the current market, and specially with respect to other emergent markets, thus contributing to generate and enhance a sustainable consumption with no additional inversion requirements for its processing.

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