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MBI Concrete facing bricks


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- story by MaterialDistrict

MBI started in the Netherlands immediately after the Second World War with shortrun production of concrete building system components, but quickly realised that mass production would be more successful in the long run. It therefore switched over to the production of concrete bricks and blocks for paving and masonry. MBI has for decades been market leader in the Netherlands in the field of concrete masonry products.

MBI makes a distinction between stones for single-sided brick facing and bricks and blocks for double-sided brick facing. Single-sided brick facing is generally applied as an outer skin to cavity walls, but can also be used for interior walls. As a rule, double-sided brick facing is only applied to interior walls. The following choices are available for single-sided facing bricks:

Facing bricks with a finishing coat in geocolour, textured or smooth
Facing bricks with a finishing coat are single-sided bricks which have been given a special finishing coat on a layer of concrete substrate. The application of this kind of finishing coat allows the combination of bricks with different kinds of textures and colours. Although these bricks look different, their mechanical and technical properties are identical. This means that various types of facing brick can be used in the same applications, so simplifying the choice of brick to be used.

Geocolour facing bricks
Geocolour facing bricks are some of the most special and colourful products in MBI’s range. They derive their colour (and colour fastness) from the natural minerals incorporated in the finishing coat. ‘Washing’ the top layer with a high pressure spray creates a more or less fine-grained textured surface.

Cut facing bricks
Cut facing bricks enjoy a special position in the collection. These bricks are produced in double the standard width and then cut in two after at least four weeks hardening. The cutting of the materials added gives the bricks a special appearance, sothat the masonry has a completely individual character. The use of natural materials such as Norwegian marble ensures that the bricks are colourfast. The following choices are available for double-sided facing bricks:
– Interior wall bricks, textured or smooth
– Plain double-sided interior wall bricks are available specially for double-sided facing work. The composition of the these bricks is homogeneous: each brick has two finished stretcher faces and two finished ends.
– B2 blocks, textured, finely textured or smooth
– Double-sided plain B2 blocks are available specially for double-sided facing work.
The composition of these bricks is homogeneous: each brick has two finished
stretcher faces and one finished end.

Advantages of MBI masonry products
– The production process uses little energy and is environmentally friendly.
– In principle the consistency of shape and size of all facing bricks, interior wall bricks and B2 blocks makes them suitable for processing with as little as 3 mm of pointing.
– The production of accurately specified masonry joints presents no problem.
– The texture and colour of the finishing coat on facing bricks can be varied, for example by the addition of colourfast natural stone, shells or glass. It is also possible to profile the finishing coat, in principle in any way desired.
– The addition of special materials, such as marble or shells, to cut facing bricks, makes it possible to produce a brick with a special texture and colour.
– Cut facing bricks can be supplied in twice the standard length.
– It is possible to combine different modular sizes of facing brick.
– All masonry products are user-friendly to handle.

MBI sees its future developments as depending in part on solutions developed in consultation with architects to specific requirements presented by them. MBI does not see product development and innovation as an inward-directed process but assomething to be achieved in cooperation with designers.

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