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- story by MaterialDistrict

The aggregate material in Starpath absorbs and stores energy from ambient light (UV rays) during the day, and releases this energy at night, making the particles glow.

The material glows for up to 16 hours after a charge and the particles will last a minimum of 20 years. It charges in daylight but sunlight is better and up to 16 hours.

If an existing Starpath is later required to change to another style of Starpath, such as a different colour, then it would need to be re-sprayed. In order for this to be done the material does not need to be removed.

Therefore Starpath is cost effective to both install and maintain. Its seamless surface may be applied to any existing surface, be it concrete, tarmac, timber or any hard substrate that forms a solid base.

As a resurfacing technique, which does not require the existing surface to be removed, it eliminates the substantial cost of removal and disposal of the existing surface.

If it is pitch black outside, this luminous natural earth is enhanced, while if the sky is lighter, the path won’t release as much luminosity – it adjusts accordingly.

It is certainly a sustainable surface, perfect for cyclists and disabled access. It also has a high safety margin with its anti-slip properties. It can also help to reduce the risk of collisions between cyclists and pedestrians at night without having to resort to artificial painted centre lines.

Material Properties