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Vitrics Screen

Sky Design

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Vitric uses laser technology to engrave inside glass creating a wide range of customised products. It varies from engraving large screens for the corporate environment to designer products and smaller intricate. Glass and acrylic up to a maximum of 90mm thick, 1430mm wide and 3217mm long is used. Engraving into un-toughened glass and laminate it afterwards is possible if required.

Three different file formats can be used to create Vitrics glass. With jpegs and tiff files is the result a black and white reproduction of the image at a chosen depth within the glass. Vectorised files, ai or eps enables to extrude the design into three dimensions and give whatever depth is needed to give the required effect. With Cad files a wide range of 3D files can be arranged.

The method reproduces true 3D designs in the panels and is not just an effect. When used with lighting, the effect is amazing. The unique design advantages combined with low maintenance and cleaning and no danger of fading by UV or pollution make vitrics glass an exciting proposition for signage.

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