
Lucas Zoutendijk – Schaduw Plekken

Lucas Zoutendijk is co-founder of Studio 1:1, a creative research and design agency that specializes in social, spatial and ecological issues. For their innovative approach the office has won, among others, ‘The Green Architecture Competition’ and has been nominated for the Dutch Design Awards. Clients are mainly (semi) government institutions such as municipalities, Housing associations, Province and Water Boards.

Lately, Studio 1:1 has realized a number of ‘green & social projects’; like a participation game to increase biodiversity in new construction, a pilot with green lighting of a neighbourhood park and the development of the book ‘The Natural’ City’: 10 strategic concepts for a housing corporation how it can contribute to a greening of the city.

Lecture by Lucas Zoutendijk
Language Dutch
Location MDU 2022, Werkspoorkathedraal Utrecht (NL)