
CITA Tower

The ‘CITA Tower’ is a part of the overarching Complex Modelling research project at CITA, which focuses on integration of material performance in the digital design process as a particular challenge to opening up new horizons for how we think, design and build our environments.

The design is an integrated hybrid structure employing bending active elements and tensile membranes with bespoke material properties and detailing. Hybrid structures are defined here as combining two or more structural concepts and materials to create a stronger whole. Previously in history, either tension and compression are used as a structural principle, and not as a combined principle as in this design.

The Tower is made of pre-tensioned fibreglass rods embedded in a bespoke knitted high tenacity polyester membrane.

This innovation, most recently seen at Material Xperience 2016. is a production by the Centre for Information Technology and Architecture(CITA) at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Copenhagen(KET), University of Arts Berlin Fibrenamics, Universidade do Minh, Guimarães (Portugal), Essener Labor für Leichte Flächentragwerke, Universität Duisburg-Essen (Germany) and the Portuguese textile company AFF a. ferreira & filhos, sa, Caldas de Vizela.
