Inspiring materials at Dutch Design Week
Every year during Dutch Design Week many new ideas, innovations and inspirations are put forward, mostly by Young and upcoming designers. We’ve spotted a number of talents who are already part of the Materia community, as well as new highlights to look out for.
Mandy den Elzen makes interior objects from curious materials. Her vases, lampshades and so on are sourced from algae, cow’s stomachs and more. This results in an almost alien appearance.
There are many such novel concepts around. Construction systems are analysed and reconfigured in the ‘24mm’ project, which is an update of early modernist approaces to materials. Two designers in a dialogue called 11’x17’ discuss the nature of a fashion collection. The idea is literally turned inside out by inverting a shoe. This is similar to the ‘Simple Fold of Fate’, in which new products are created by innovative use of folding materials. There are also the smart materials such as the ‘Shades of Light’, which uses a conductive textile to power a series of tiny leds.
Then there is the Decafe, a eco-friendly material for home and kitchenware made from used coffee grounds. Mixing them with a natural binder and applying pressure results in an easy to shape every-day material.
Institutions like Dutch Design Week are important as they encourage innovative projects and give a voice to, often unknown, designers. Folded textiles and patterned bricks, such as the projects pictured above, add to the excitement. This year’s DDW is held from October 19th – 27th. Expect updates on some of the best new materials’ innovations here soon.