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Let’s Stonecycle!

The concept of stonecycling originated in Einhoven, the Netherlands, where numerous building became unoccupied in recently years and were ultimately demolished. The creators of StoneCycling saw material opportunity in the building waste, and innovate a way to use demolished building and industrial waste into raw materials for products with a higher value.

At the Design Academy in Eindhoven, Tom van Soest, co-founder of StoneCycling, developed a method to pulverise waste building materials from building sites – ranging from bricks to concrete to glass – to create a new type of stone that can be turned into products like surface materials and tiles.

Unique brick designs include Mushroom, Truffle, Salami and Nougat. Discover more about the production of these super sustainable materials here.


  1. Harald Bauer says:

    Great idea!