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- story by MaterialDistrict

Clearsorber: a new class of transparent micro perforated absorbers, that do not require any porous material in the cavity. The innovation is sub-millimetre holes, which offer high viscous losses and provide absorption with a view.

Transparent, acoustic panel, fine micro with 300’000 holes per sqm. Diameter 0.3mm. High absorbent, which is revolutionary for transparent acoustic panels. It can be used for front of windows in atria, lobbies, offices, conference rooms, botanical gardens, convention centres etc.

Acoustic-sail, with lamp: The acoustic lamps are very useful for new building, where is the heating and cooling in the concrete ceiling in which you cannot install a conventional acoustic ceiling.

Clearsorber Honeycomb: is a 19mm composite panel consisting of a 17mm clear honeycomb polycarbonate core faced with 1mm micro-perforated polycarbonate sheets on either side. Offering a B1 fire rating (DIN 4102). The Clearsorber Standard panel size is 2500mm x 1250mm.

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