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Burning corn waste (corn husks and cobs) is a common farming practice in Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand. It is the cause of an annual haze effect, an atmospheric condition where particles, smoke, dust and moisture suspend in the air, obscuring visibility and causing long term damage to both the environment and the health of those people who live within it.

This project aims to reduce or eliminate the problem by developing economically attractive uses for the corn waste, with an emphasis on environmentally sustainable practices and traditional craft skills whilst providing the economic and social benefits for local families and communities. From Chiang Mai is a design proposal that uses corn husk fibres to manufacture panels that can be used in local construction for sound and thermal insulation. Charcoal from corn cobs can be added to give smell and moisture absorption qualities. These panels should facilitate improved standards of habitation and provide additional income for local families whilst mitigating against the haze effect.

Material Properties