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- story by MaterialDistrict

Dejection-molding material is made from snail excrements. Indeed, gastropods barely assimilate the paper’s pigments and faithfully reject the color of ingested paper. These dejections are reinvested in the cellulose molding process by replace recycled paper with snails excrements. The collecting of snails dejections is already integrated in snail farms for hygienic purposes. Then, all we have to do is to transport them in a cellulose molding industry.

Exclusively made from renewable natural resources, Dejection-molding material is recyclable and biodegradable. It can be remolded ad infinitum when put at water’s touch thanks to the cellulose molding process. This matter is heat-resistant up to 300°C but not fire-resistant. Low density texture of molded snails excrements allows to have low hardness and lightweight material.

Dejection-molding material is suitable for indoor applications and can be used for making packagings or other products without limited size and thickness. This material is available as many colors as different colored papers.

Material Properties