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Doschawol consists of 100% Keratine, also known as sheep wool. It does not contain any binders, flame-detergents or other chemicals. Keratine is a renewable, ecological and secundary natural resource. It can be installed without special clothing and no special guidelines need to be followed. Keratine also has the benefit that it eliminates unwanted gases by means of a chemical reaction. This effect will remain active for decades.
Doschawol will not form drops if it’s heated. Furthermore, it acts as a flame-spreading barrier because it has a nitrogen level of 16%, a relative moist level of 14 – 18% and a combustion temperature of 600 °C. Furthermore, Keratine is an endothermal material, meaning it requires more energy to let it burn, than it releases during burning. It has an oxygen index level of 25.2% meaning that for combustion of keratine, the level of oxygen should be at least 25%, while plain air consists of only 21% oxygen.