
From Stone to Glass


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- story by MaterialDistrict

The From Stone to Glass project is a new innovative technique to colouring glass. The objective is to propose an alternative to the “classical way” of colouration. Actually, the methods to colour the glass are really toxic and not sustainable. The purpose is to create a technique to get a similar result as the classical way, but using sustainable materials. This local glass is sourced from common stone located in Israel.

This glass has several characteristics. First of all, it is resistant to shocks up to up to 5 tons. In addition, it can undergo temperature changes without cracking. It is also recyclable with naturals colours from minerals without any chemicals added. Shaping, sharpening, cutting or even drilling this glass is a more sustainable alternative to the glass industry.

This colourant could be used to replace gemstones on a large scale and be used for high jewellery industries or automobile industry.

Material Properties