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Glass Beads

Czech Republic
ORNELA a. s.

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These high quality glass beads are widely used in continuous production sand or pearl mills, operating in the vertical or horizontal plane or variations thereof, for example batch type centrifugal discharge mills or machines dispersing by a process of attrition. They are used as the grinding medium not only in the Paint, Printing, Ink and Dyestuffs industries, but also in the food, pharmaceutical, cosmetics and other industries which employ dispersion by micro-element processes. They are particularly suitable for these latter industries due to their harmless chemical composition from the health point of view.
The technology used in the production of glass beads ensures almost perfect spherical shape and closely controlled diameters.The beads are treated thermally and chemically to ensure high polish and extreme impact and wear resistance. It follows that balls produced to such a standard cause the minimum of wear to the grinding mill surfaces.

Material Properties