
Lignacore Premium


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- story by MaterialDistrict

Leeuwenburgh Fineer’s water-based lacquer system produces a beautiful lustrous finish which is both efficient and sustainable. With their unique colour control system, Leeuwenburgh offers the highest level of consistency and uniformity for your projects.

From the wide Lignapal collection with prefinished wood veneer sheets, they have selected six popular items that they produce and keep on stock applied on MDF 3040 x 1210 x 18 mm boards also. Combined with a sample box with these six, it’s now easier and also faster to work with high quality prefinished wood veneers.

On request, for bigger projects, Leeuwenburgh Fineer can produce wood veneered boards and sheets with the high-quality stain & lacquer system from ultra mat to high gloss on more than 100 different wood types.

Material Properties