Potato cork
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Potato Cork is a completely bio-based material, made from a vegetable residue: potato peelings. The peelings are hygienised and, depending on the application, pressed and dried.
The main ingredients are lignin, cellulose, hemicelluloses and protein. These parts together represent more than 75% of dry matter in dried potato cork. In total the product contains approximately 95% dry matter. Potato Cork has a low specific weight, is fire resistant, isolating and water repellent, and has a high tensile strength. In addition the product is sustainable and has a natural look.
Potato Cork is both a product with direct application as well as a raw material for Bio-construct. In direct application the product is used as cover material in the pot- and container plant industry and in public parks. Under the name Bio-Top Crustell markets the covering material that prevents weeds and moss. In indirect application, the material is used as feedstock for the production of bio-construct. In this application, the material has extensive applications. It can be used in building materials, housing and various design applications as well as in several consumer goods (non food). Potato Cork can be processed under various forms.