Sonic Fabric
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- story by MaterialDistrict
Sonic fabric is an upholstery comprised of recycled audio tape. Texas-based artist Alyce Santoro created the 100% polyester product. Santoro made it by recording street musicians on subway platforms, bits of conversation, and noises on the street. She fed the streams into a multitrack mixer, created an audio collage, and transferred it onto magnetic tape, which was then knitted together to form the fabric. Because no finishing or backing has been added to the textile, you can still hear sounds from her mix by drawing the head of a reconfigured Walkman over the material’s surface. Designed for both the residential and commercial markets, Sonic Fabric is available in five colors: copper, onyx, granite, amethyst, and cobalt. The DesignTex Group participates in the licencing program of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum.