Zephyr Mesh
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Architectural soft mesh in UHPC. The stainless steel mesh (316 – marine grade) supports a network of concrete studs.
The whole represents a maximum weight of 20kg/m² for a dense concrete pattern. The cement used (Ciments Calcia) benefits from TX Active® technology which accelerates the decomposition of pollutants and prevents their formation on the pavement.
Fully customisable, Zephyr Mesh allows large-scale generation of patterns and graphic concepts without repetition and without visible calepinage. The parametric design possible thanks to dedicated software (Zephyr Composer) allows you to play with different parameters: pigmentations, pixelation, volumes, double curves etc…
Each panel is replaceable and each block can be interchanged if an element deteriorates. Implementation subject to study according to the project. Zephyr mesh can be used for facades, ventilated facades, sunbreaks, security, acoustic protection, pergolas, claustras, etc.