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- story by MaterialDistrict
FlexSandStone is a thin and flexible facsimile of a sandstone surface consists of loose arenaceous sediment particles fixed to natural fibre with acrylic resin. The thin material (1-3 mm), is easy to cut and lay. It is used as a design material directly onto plaster, concrete, metal, plastic surfaces or lightweight constructions. The material can be processed in three-dimensional ways after heating and can follow all contours. Original look of the natural deposits of sandstone. Various colours due to the mineral and organic impurities of the natural sediment strata. It is possible to create the image of a wall constructed of tiles or blocks. It is also possible to lay our material seamlessly, creating the impression of a single, huge block of stone.
Can be worked with a variety of different approved adhesives, stone hardening and sealing materials in interiors, exhibitions, shops and in wet areas, with the possibility of backlighting.
Low weight, this means less expense for static bases, loads and under constructions.