
For the sea


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- story by MaterialDistrict

Over-absorption of atmospheric carbon dioxide by the ocean lowers the ocean’s pH, causing a 30% increase in ocean acidity since the industrial era. This change is starting to harm marine ecosystems, but this has been overlooked in the public, as people tend to see the needs of humans as a priority without thinking about the needs of ecosystems. Considered the “evil twin of climate change”, its effects are still mostly impacting marine life – not humans. However, communities relying on the fish industry are already seeing the negative impacts, as we can see in Madagascar or other vulnerable countries (coupled with coral bleaching, an effect of global warming).

Expanded polystyrene is the leading form of marine litter from the ocean and coastal aquaculture activities, but there are currently no global estimates for the amounts of marine plastic litter generated from this sector. This project tackles the issue of Ocean Acidification from the root of CO2 emissions by replacing fossil fuel-based materials used for beach activities objects with pH-neutralising (adsorbing) natural reclaimed materials (oyster shells), natural CO2 absorbing minerals (Olivine) and natural seaweed binders, which not only cuts down CO2 emissions but also has the added value to help regenerate ecosystems at the end of life of the product.

The material, whilst looking as heavy as concrete, is in fact quite light: one tray only weighs 80 grams and is also food safe. After use, the object is made to be left on the beach to act as a deacidifying agent for marine ecosystems. It will take 14 days to dissolve, so it will not cause any visual or environmental harm to the surrounding ecosystem either. Finally, the material can also be used as fertiliser for soils or compost, as it also acts as a natural pH neutralising agent for soils, after breaking down the whole product into small pieces or powder after use.

Material Properties