
VeroMetal Applications


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- story by VeroMetal® International BV


VeroMetal® cold-workable liquid metal
VeroMetal® can be used indoors and outdoors for all kinds of applications. Architectural designs, façade cladding and construction elements. As design elements for yachts, interiors and shop fittings. Furniture, signage and works of art. VeroMetal deposits a premium metal coating on any shape and surface. After application, the coating results in a lightweight metal finish that is both strong and durable and faithfully follows the contours and details of the original design.

VeroMetal® can be applied by spraying, rolling, pouring or with a palette knife or trowel.  It can be applied as a smooth coating or in a textured finish. VeroMetal® can be applied in any thickness. As standard, sprayed coatings are approximately 120 microns thick.

After curing, the metal coating can be finished to produce the desired effect. The desired tint, gloss or matt finish and structure are obtained by sanding, polishing, patinating and/or oxidising the surface. The final result is unique and distinctive. If required, the metal finish can be treated to prevent staining and ageing.

After standard pre-treatment of the surface, VeroMetal® can be applied to practically any material. For example: wood, metal, plastic, MDF, concrete and plaster. And glass, fibreglass, porcelain, pottery, terracotta, calcerous materials, cardboard and paper are also possible substrates. Even a flexible substrate can be coated! VeroMetal® is a low-shrinkage coating and does not change the properties of the substrate in any way.

Please feel free to contact VeroMetal® for more information, they will be pleased to help,

Material Properties