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These Superwool fibre blankets are manufactured to offer good performance in high-temperature applications. The blankets are designed from pure raw Calcium-Magnesium-Silicate (CMS) materials and can be altered to achieve desired properties such as fibre diameter, shot content, fibre length and form.

Superwool exhibits good insulating properties at elevated temperatures. It can be used in expansion joint construction, base seals, low-mass kiln car construction, tube seal fabrication, thermal and acoustical insulation. It has an excellent thermal stability and retains its original soft fibrous structure up to maximum continuous use temperature.

The blanket contains neither binder nor lubricant and does not emit any fumes or smell during the first firing. It is flexible, easy to cut and shape and easy to install. Superwool has a Classification Temperature of 1300°C (EN 1094-1) and a Continuous Use Temperature of 1150°C.  The maximum continuous use temperature depends on the application.

This material furthermore has excellent thermal insulating performance, is free of binder or lubricant, thermally stable with low heat storage, flexible, resilient and immune to thermal shock.

It is available in widths of 610 mm.

Material Properties